About Me
George Wilson

What I do
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Principal Consulting Engineer, Automation Logic
Working at various high profile government clients improving the Devops culture and improving the experience of the developers across various software stacks.
Combination of both Windows and Linux machines in different clients
Azure - App Services, VMs combined with a large variety of PAAS and SAAS products
Improved Management of Kubernetes Infrastructure
CI/CD with Octopus Deploy, Jenkins and Azure Devops
Artifactory for image stores and npm/maven caching etc.
Managed SonarQube Instances to ensure quality of code
Devops lead for multiple releases of different services
Deployments/Infrastructure Management with Ansible, Terraform and Desired State Configuration
Used software engineer experience to ensure developers were aware of the reasoning behind changes made by dev teams
Managed Patching process across machines
Software Engineer, iProov
Architected webservices and OAuth server
Experience with MongoDB
Experience in Python, Node and PHP Frameworks
Release Lead
Migrated service from AWS to Azure
Migrated build scripts from Bash to Ansible
Senior Web Developer, Virya Group
Joomla CMS! Websites
PHP, Javascript & CSS
Joomla Component Architecture
Customer Communication
My Skills
Experience in fullstack development
High Level PHP Knowledge
Medium Level Python Knowledge
Low Level Node Knowledge
Experience in server/server and client/server messaging
Ansible & Bash
Windows & Linux
Release Lead for Joomla and iProov
Joomla Production leadership for 2 years
Joomla Framework Lead since 2017-2018
Joomla Board Member 2018 - Present